Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Banging my head on the proverbial brick wall!

Ahhhh........where to start? My brain is traveling in about 50 different directions so I have no idea what direction this will go.

I will warn you, this blog might get ugly and foul, so if you tend to take offense to foul language or just life that isn't wrapped up in a pretty package. Stop reading now and leave.

I guess I should start with my weight loss progression. I've been without a trainer since before my birthday, it's been almost 2 months now. Long story short, he's not at the gym but in the process of opening his own place but it's a time consuming process and in the meantime I have no trainer. This makes me very unhappy because I feel like I'm back at day 1. I have not quit being active, I am quite the opposite actually. I am in the pole fitness studio almost every night but Saturday and Sunday, for 2-3 hours every night doing pole fitness. I'm getting stronger, but my body misses training, I miss hanging out with Drew and I miss how he pushes me to be stronger and pushes my body to try harder. I just don't have the motivation to do his workouts on my own. I hate the gym, it's not fun to me, thus why I spend so much time in the studio.

Nutrition wise, it's so so. I could eat better. I don't eat fast food, drink soda or eat sweets. But I probably don't eat enough or eat all the right foods. Food frustrates me to no end. I don't enjoy it. I don't enjoy cooking, I don't enjoy any aspect of food.

I am not enjoying my home life.

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