Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 70........leaving on a jet plane.....

So here I am, sitting at Tampa International Airport waiting for my flight to Nashville for my all-expenses paid weekend retreat with the wounded warriors caregivers!

I have spent the last 2 days full of nerves and emotions. I can honestly say that I have NEVER been away from my family for any amount of time to take care of ME! I packed my suitcase about 3 times yesterday and I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off. Thinking I might have forgotten something and realizing I was way overthinking packing for this trip. But after about the 3rd time I realized I needed to focus on having fun and just letting go so I got everything packed......(i hope!)

So goodbye's this morning were tortuous.......I woke up this morning almost in tears knowing I had to say goodbye to my family. Emmy was already dreading going to school because she would be teary eyed. Jaden didn't seem phased by it at all and Josh asked why I was crying when I went to hug him this morning. I got one last picture of Damon and I as he was dropping me off at the airport. I'm a firm believer of getting those memories in because you never know when your next breath is going to be your last. Now that I'm here and checked in, my nerves are calming and I'm getting excited about the trip. I will miss the happy chaos that occurs in my house on a daily basis, but I need this weekend too. I need to learn to take care of myself better and to learn to let go of my daily stressors of being a caregiver.

So let me just say that getting through security........WOW......what an experience that was. I was envisioning the body scanner alerting everyone in the airport that this chick still needs to shed some fat LOL. But no, I only had to get a pat down because I had forgotten that I had a tube of chapstick in my pocket. But I had to take my shoes off and take everything out of my carry-on. What a chore. I'm just thankful that there were no long lines and it gave me plenty of time to get through the line and sit and do my I sit, typing this and people watching. Some interesting characters come and go through the airport.......LOL I've already been chatted up by a gentleman heading to Puerto Rico to get a tattoo of the new Yankee stadium and a woman with 15 grandchildren, also witnessed a woman getting a full makeover in the ladies restroom. :) Got to love people watching.

So here's hoping that my flight is uneventful, meaning it stays IN THE AIR and that my pilots are alert, awake and not intoxicated. I will miss my husband, my kids and my dogs, but maybe I can come home with a new look at things and be grateful that my husband is not in worse shape than he is.

Yes, I had my shake this morning along with a whole wheat bagel and cream cheese, eating some cashews and drinking some water, Hoping that this weekend will have some healthy choices for eating......will try to update later......

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