Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 56.........zombies.........brains......... blogs have not been very good about being up to date.......I call it life. :P

Let's see......

Today my weight is at 164.1 pound. That is down 13lbs in 56 days, not too bad. Still not sure on inches lost because I can never seem to measure my inches right so I just rely on the trainer to do measurements monthly. I'm almost into my size 11's, they are fitting better but not like I want them to. I am feeling smaller, leaner and it sucks to sit on something hard. I have lost a lot of cushion on my behind so it makes sitting for long periods of time that much harder.


I am officially running my first 5K on November 17th, 2012. I chose the zombie run/obstacle course for my first time out. I'm scared, nervous, excited, and all kind of other emotions that haven't hit me yet. I started training last week and the first day I tried running 3 miles right out the gate and what a mistake that was. I was able to run 2.6 miles but the next day I felt like my hips had been torn out by zombies and my knee was mangled.....LOL..........

So now I have started trying to run every other day, alternating run/walk on the treadmill and doing the elliptical. My trainer has made my sessions extremely hard and difficult but even though I hate him during those sessions, I know he is pushing my body to limits I never thought I would be at! I will be upping my sessions to 2 days a week very soon and I hope and pray that I will be physically and mentally ready when race day arrives!

My thoughts are kind of jumbled.........apologies for the writing/lack of skills in the last few blogs, but i can't seem to get my thoughts together. Lots of my mind......the zombie race, the caregiver retreat weekend in a couple weeks, Josh's homeschool, finances, know........LIFE..........


1 comment:

  1. I wish I lived close to you, I would totally do this Zombie Run with you! And I LOVE having training twice a week...but my sessions are only 25 min each, unless I use 2 sessions back to back for an hour. Have fun!
