Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 64........FED up with BAD choices!

Well, it's only been a few days since my last blog but this week has been rough! I don't know if it's the weather, the season change or what but this week was pretty much shot!

I only made it to the gym twice and it seemed to be a week full of bad eating choices. Some single serving sizes of pringles, a small pack of oreos, dinner out (even though it was a healthy choice for a restaurant), not eating enough healthy snacks, not enough water and I feel like CRUD! My energy levels have been low and I have been really tired. Again, this is what happens when you don't give your body what it craves and wants. This is what happens when your mind steps in and says "it's ok, I can work that pack of oreos of later". Well I'm paying for it now. The scale has gone up a little bit and I'm feeling it. Either way I have to do better this week. I know these days and weeks are going to happen but there is NO EXCUSE for this kind of mindless bad choices.

I wish that this journey would get easier and that making good choices would just come second nature but it seems that when life gets busy or chaotic, easy is the way to go. It may seem good at the time but it's so not what I need to do.

My mind has been full of all kinds of things. I have my trip coming up this upcoming weekend and I'm nervous and anxious about that. I haven't flown in 5 years and the thought of getting on a plane by myself and going away from my family freaks me out. I am looking forward to getting away for a break but I'm nervous too. Home school is on my mind all the time because it takes so much of my time. What a chore it is, but I know it's for the best...........that is another blog in itself. My race is coming up too and I've not been training like I planned I would be. Running is NOT fun and I just cannot get motivated to hit the pavement like I need to be. I am hoping that this week I can up my gym time and really knock it out of the park because I know my trip this weekend will be full of wonderful yummy food that will probably not be that good for me. I don't know what the weekend will include, and even though I'm bringing my shakes and plan on using the gym facilities while there.......I don't want to blow all my hard work.

Maybe I needed this week to get me back on track and kick things into gear. Maybe jump start my body to get rid of some more pounds..........this seems to be an endless struggle and I'm hoping that I can be enlightened soon as to the answer that I so desperately need to find!

Here's to a better week!!!

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