Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 59.....what is "enough"???

The last couple of weeks have been full of self-realization for me as I have heard some messages and really applied them to my journey and certain aspects of my life.

 I am trying to learn to live within my "enough" and to not strive for "too much". What does this mean? 

Instead of always trying so hard to do so much and have everything that I think I need or want, maybe I should appreciate where I'm at in my life and what I do have. Let me apply this to my weight loss journey. If I can't appreciate where I started and how far I have come (my enough), then how can I move forward and continue to challenge myself without getting lost in wanting "too much" (wanting to lose weight faster, wanting to get into smaller clothes quicker, wanting this to happen YESTERDAY). I'm not saying that I should stop or slow down and revert back to crap eating or stop exercising, I'm saying that I should really take a hard look at where I started, why I started this journey and how far I have REALLY come........that I have come so far and that it is ENOUGH!!! If my life ended tomorrow, would I be proud of myself? Would my family and friends be proud of me? Or would they say "well she could have lost 5 more pounds?" NO! They would be proud of how far I have come and be inspired by what I have done. 

So I have to say I have done ENOUGH now and keep moving on. I have to be satisfied with my progress, no looking back and second guessing mistakes I made and bad choices I made.......I must keep bettering myself so that I can keep continuing to learn to live within my "enough" everyday. I don't need to be in a size 6, I don't need to be a body builder, I don't need to have all those things........sometimes "too much" is a bad thing. As long as I am happy with myself and what I have done and at the end of the day I can say I am content with my choices and I am happy with my "enough", then I can move forward.........

The other message I have tried to apply to my life is that without really taking a look at myself, honestly..........even with the best directions, maps, a road paved in gold......if I'm not at the right starting point, I will NEVER get to the my end goal! Unless I admit to myself that I need to change myself and my habits and start at the right place, then all the directions, tips, help, etc will not get me to where I need to be. I will keep straying off that path and getting lost. Then asking myself why do I keep failing?? I think it's the hardest to be honest with yourself. We can all lie to others and to ourselves and make excuses as to why we can't do something and make it sound good in our heads.....but we are only hurting ourselves......then we want to blame everyone but ourselves when something doesn't work out the way we want. We have to change ourselves, then the path we walk can be so much easier.

Desire...........this is a must for change. You have to WANT to change

Decide..........this is your follow through. It may seem easy the first couple of days. You are excited, you go buy new shoes, new gym clothes, get your music downloaded on your playlist and you are ready to KICK 1 and 2 come and go and then hit that proverbial wall and you say "nah.......i don't feel like it today" and then the ball rolls and rolls until you are sitting on the couch again and your gym shoes are collecting dust........

Dedication........this is probably the HARDEST part of breaking free of the things that hold you back. desire and deciding to change your life are easy, it's new and exciting and you can already see you rocking out that new bikini but the dedication it takes to get into that new bikini is a lot harder than you ever imagined. This is where you have to dig deep and push yourself harder than you ever have before, BUT it's a delicate balance when trying to live within your "enough" and trying not to do "too much". You don't have to train 7 days a week and never eat crap..............everything in healthy, splurge on occasion, exercise 3-4 times a week and work hard when you do work at it. If you want to do more, then do but be happy with your ENOUGH. Be proud of where you started and that you took that first step to make the change and be proud of your dedication to get to where you are RIGHT NOW!!!

NO MORE LOOKING BACK!!! CHIN UP, positive mental attitude, let's learn to live within our "enough" and let's break free from those things that hold us back. 

I know for me, most of the last 6 months I have woken up thinking about weight loss and gone to sleep thinking about weight loss. It has taken over my life and my every waking thought! This is "TOO MUCH". Instead of learning to be "ENOUGH" that I made healthy food changes and go to the gym many times during the week and have personal training, I beat myself up on a daily basis. See where this is bad? I derail my own success by striving for TOO MUCH!! 

So I'm learning to try to be happy with my "enough" and learning to be proud of how far I have come!!

1 comment:

  1. You know what hit me the most reading this? Waking and going to bed, thinking about weight loss... I do the same thing, and I think that is why I burn out and get upset so fast!

    I will be satisfied with efforts. My progress. Love this!
