Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 6.......getting better

Day 6 is winding down.........most of the day I thought it was Friday only to learn that it was only Thursday. :) What a let down that I can get excited that tomorrow is actually Friday. :)

Well the day started off a little bad.....tummy troubles plaguing me for the most part of the morning. Not sure if it's mother nature's sick twist of humor or trying to battle off the stomach bug my kids have had this week. Praying it's the first and not the second. I would rather do that than be sick with a stomach bug. YUCK! Had my first shake this morning and barely got it down. I just couldn't stomach it. Didn't even have a snack this morning, that's how yucky i was feeling. I apparently needed some rest.

I laid down for a bit and then decided to do some more painting......long story entryway from my front door is red now. :) Little by little I am turning this house into our home, into something that we can be proud of.

Anyway, I did get an afternoon snack of tortilla chips and some home made black bean salsa/corn dip, definitely got in more water today. Wasn't really hungry today though. At some point later in the afternoon, I did eat some pita chips with hummus and ended up having a dinner shake. Made an iced vanilla latte coffee shake when my sister in law came over to get her new blender. She joined the challenge with me and wanted to see how to make the shakes. She liked it and we had a nice visit.....

What did I NOT do today? I did not eat my actual meal.....i snacked a few times but no larger meal. Probably did not get enough calories, but we'll see what the scale says in the morning...I also did NOT get to the gym today. That makes 2 days in a row that I did not make it to the gym and I can feel it. Tomorrow I will be going for sure. I do not like feeling like this. I enjoy sweating and feeling the burn. I enjoy clearing my mind and letting things go, focusing on something else!

Tommorrow is a new day!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 5.....hurricane Keri on the storm path....... I didn't expect to be writing a not so good blog on the 5th day! LOL I was hoping to keep it light and motivating at least until after 30 days.....

Between PMS, migraines daily and just in general aggravated at my plateau, it has been kind of a lousy day. Just not been in a good mood, and just kind of blah. Boo to the blah's.......

My day wasn't totally shot, I did get both shakes in today and had a healthy snack and a protein bar, but dinner probably wasn't so good. Went to the local fish place right by our house and had the pasta with creole cream sauce. It tasted good, had mushrooms and I hate 3/4 of it. I don't feel too bad, I can tell I did not make it to the gym today however. I had plans to go to the gym but my migraine had me napping instead. I know I did NOT get enough water today, maybe 2 bottles and I can tell. Just feel really sluggish and tired today. I think once I get over my cycle and get these headaches under control, I will be better focused. I think I just need to accept these days as they are and let them be. I can't change certain things, but I can continue to make healthy choices and get 2 shakes a day in. So maybe all will not be lost......

So my friends, never give up, but expect there to be days like this! All you can do is try to make the best choices that you can and start over tomorrow. I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day and I can refocus and not feel so overwhelmed. I just want my belly GONE!!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 4....rumble rumble tummy trouble?

Today is the 4th day and it's been an up and down day.

I was woken up at 5 a.m. by my dogs barking at some unknown critter  outside and couldn't go back to sleep. I just stayed up, since the alarm would be waking me up at 6 and had my morning coffee (black with just a little creamer) followed by my latte shake. I was hungry about an hour after my shake, so I made myself some eggwhites with salsa mixed in. It was yummy but couldn't even eat a quarter of it.

I managed to hit the gym with another VIP promoter this morning for about an hour. We had a good workout and it was nice to have another visalus person to work out with, that understands the program and how it works. I would really love to utilize their pool, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi, spin classes, yoga classes, but I'm already a member of another gym signed up for another 6 months of personal training. So I think I'll just stay there!

By the time I got home, I was starving again so I had one of the Visalus Nutri-cookies and it definitely filled me up. More water, more peeing and off to the doctor to see about getting something for these damn migraines. I've been having them for the last week and I've suffered from these stupid things since I can remember. Anyway some topomax as a preventative and a lab sheet to see my blood looks since starting visalus. I'm curious to see  if my cholesterol has gone down or not. The best part of the visit was all the compliments I received from both the assistant and the doctor. I had not seen them in several months, so they were amazed at my results! I was also able to give the medical assistant a sample of the shake mix and she now wants to book a challenge party! Work the system friends and it will come together. Build relationships and watch them grow!

Seems my days during the school year are filled with errands, picking up the house, doing dishes and playing mom taxi.

After my appointment, I came home and had my favorite chocolate shake and later a snack of some tortilla chips with some home made black bean/corn salsa. Really yummy and healthy.....

I am finding myself getting frustrated today because I have lost enough weight that the bottom portion of my belly has shrunk but the top part of my tummy has not shrunk as much as i would like, enough to be able to see a "spare tire" around the top when I'm wearing certain shirts. I'm starting to think it's because I'm having some issues with the "plumbing". I'm not sure why, I have some idea that it might be TOO much flax seed causing some issues, but I'm not real sure. Hope to have some answers soon, so I think I will be discontinuing the flax seed until further notice.

 I'm so ready to push past this plateau and I'm hoping that by journaling every day, it will give me some insight as to what I need to improve on!

I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff out but I'm a little aggravated today and a bit tired.....tomorrow is a new day and hopefully the stuff I just took will get things moving again. :)

Ah yes, what's on the menu for dinner tonite?? Some crusted tilapia with some quinone (keen-wah), supposed to be similar to rice, but better for you! I'll let you know how it turns out!

The Quinona (keen-wah) was a horrible failure! Not sure what happened but it was not done, and tasted bad. LOL

After all this learning about my body I always forget to take into account my monthly cycle........which would explain why I have gotten irritable, bloated, moody and just angry the last few hours LOL......I'm laying in bed now, relaxing and plan on taking a migraine pill in a little bit and calling it a day! Thank you mother nature for creating this beast that visits us ladies on a monthly basis....BLAH!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 3

Day 3 and I weighed in 4 pounds heavier this morning! WTF?? This is how I know I did not drink enough water yesterday and I should have upped my snacks. Not to mention all the calories I burned painting....

My energy level was high today, I was able to get a lot of stuff done AND make it to my training session this morning. Came home and got my daughter's room done and she loves it. I'm loving the improvements that we are making. We don't own the house yet, but we will. The landlord loves us. :)

Started my day with a coffee shake with flax seed and a few hours later I had a piece of pita bread and some hummus. I've been drinking water all day long so frequent trips to the bathroom. Just had my 2nd shake about an hour ago and that was my triple chocolate threat shake. :) So yummy.....Not sure what I will eat later, but I have to eat or I will be too below for my calories for the day. I did have a GO (Visalus energy shot) before heading to the gym and I really think that helped with my workout.

For my workout today, I did about 5 minutes on the elliptical to warm up (about .27 miles), then I did a good core/upper body workout. It was definitely hard, but I had the extra energy to get through it.

On to day 4! :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 2

Day 2................

Nothing like waking up at 7 a.m. on my day to sleep in! Guess my body is adjusting to school times easier than I am!

Had my cup of coffee first thing, then followed up with a French Vanilla Latte Shake. So yummy! It's becoming one of my favorite shakes for morning.......for a snack I had some hummus and a piece of pita bread. I never liked hummus before, but now it's one of my go-to foods for snack time. Then I got busy painting.....LOL I hate to paint, mostly it's the prep work before hand and the clean up after but Damon did most of the prep work and I got busy painting walls. We picked the colors "rejuvination" (a light shade of green) and "beachwalk" (a shade of brown/tan but looks like sand)....we alternated the colors on the walls so to break up the same color. I kind of like the names of the colors. Kind of signifies "rejuvinating" my life and I love the beach, so it fit perfectly! Anyway, after about 2 hours of painting and making a mess, I got it done! Still some minor clean up and putting switch covers back on but I'm pretty happy with it.

Had my lunch time shake. Consisted of Chocolate almond milk, 2 squares of dark chocolate, 1 tsp of sf/ff chocolate pudding mix and 2 scoops of shake mix, flax seed and blended! This is one of my favorite shakes. The flax seed gives me the fiber I need and the chocolate gets chopped up into very tiny pieces so I get my chocolate fix as well.

I could have done better on water today, I have noticed that I'm really hungry and really thirsty today so that tells me that I didn't get enough water. But the day isn't over.

Oh yeah, we got a tropical storm/soon to be hurricane heading up the coast! YAY! LOL......not much prep for us to do. We'll get mostly rain and wind, but even in these conditions I still managed to get my 2 shakes in for the day and getting ready to head out for dinner. What healthy choices will I make tonite??

All in all, productive day even with no gym time. But today is my day off and I think i got a good workout climbing up and down the ladder and painting!

NOTE: We went to a nice restaurant for dinner and I chose the chicken caesar salad, I ate about half of it and drank 2 glasses of water with lemon....I also had a very small piece of bread with my salad and about 1/2 cup whole mushrooms in a wine sautee.....very good. I was full after dinner, but not miserably full!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 1 starts!

Here it is!! Day 1 of my new 90 day challenge has begun!! I have seen some amazing results with Visalus and I want to continue to change my body along with motivating and inspiring others to take their own 90 day challenge!

I feel amazing at how far I have come since March 2012. I have changed my body, my mind and my health to actually feel the age I am. Even younger! Never again will I be overweight, unhealthy and unhappy with myself. I should have started this blog when I first started, but it's a learning experience and my challenges have been filled with ups and downs, frustrations, successes, and learning self-acceptance. For me, something finally "clicked" and I was determined to be NOT be miserable, overweight and unhappy for myself. Some days have not been easy and I have wanted to give up, but I keep seeing changes and it keeps me motivated and pushing on!!

I am going to post Day 1 measurements and a picture later and try to update pictures and measurements weekly so I can see my progress and share with others!

This is Day 1.
WEIGHT: 176.0 lbs
CHEST: 41 in
R THIGH: 20.5 in
HIPS: 36 in
WAIST: 37 in

What did I do today?? I had a breakfast shake, lunch shake, healthy dinner and some healthy snacks. I got in an hour at the gym (combination cardio/weights).  Today was an overall good day. I'm excited about the new challenge and I feel that I can do this. :)