Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 5.....hurricane Keri on the storm path....... I didn't expect to be writing a not so good blog on the 5th day! LOL I was hoping to keep it light and motivating at least until after 30 days.....

Between PMS, migraines daily and just in general aggravated at my plateau, it has been kind of a lousy day. Just not been in a good mood, and just kind of blah. Boo to the blah's.......

My day wasn't totally shot, I did get both shakes in today and had a healthy snack and a protein bar, but dinner probably wasn't so good. Went to the local fish place right by our house and had the pasta with creole cream sauce. It tasted good, had mushrooms and I hate 3/4 of it. I don't feel too bad, I can tell I did not make it to the gym today however. I had plans to go to the gym but my migraine had me napping instead. I know I did NOT get enough water today, maybe 2 bottles and I can tell. Just feel really sluggish and tired today. I think once I get over my cycle and get these headaches under control, I will be better focused. I think I just need to accept these days as they are and let them be. I can't change certain things, but I can continue to make healthy choices and get 2 shakes a day in. So maybe all will not be lost......

So my friends, never give up, but expect there to be days like this! All you can do is try to make the best choices that you can and start over tomorrow. I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day and I can refocus and not feel so overwhelmed. I just want my belly GONE!!!!

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