Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 3

Day 3 and I weighed in 4 pounds heavier this morning! WTF?? This is how I know I did not drink enough water yesterday and I should have upped my snacks. Not to mention all the calories I burned painting....

My energy level was high today, I was able to get a lot of stuff done AND make it to my training session this morning. Came home and got my daughter's room done and she loves it. I'm loving the improvements that we are making. We don't own the house yet, but we will. The landlord loves us. :)

Started my day with a coffee shake with flax seed and a few hours later I had a piece of pita bread and some hummus. I've been drinking water all day long so frequent trips to the bathroom. Just had my 2nd shake about an hour ago and that was my triple chocolate threat shake. :) So yummy.....Not sure what I will eat later, but I have to eat or I will be too below for my calories for the day. I did have a GO (Visalus energy shot) before heading to the gym and I really think that helped with my workout.

For my workout today, I did about 5 minutes on the elliptical to warm up (about .27 miles), then I did a good core/upper body workout. It was definitely hard, but I had the extra energy to get through it.

On to day 4! :)

1 comment:

  1. GO really helps me to endure tough training sessions or to run that extra distance when I would normally want to lay down and die :)
