Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 4....rumble rumble tummy trouble?

Today is the 4th day and it's been an up and down day.

I was woken up at 5 a.m. by my dogs barking at some unknown critter  outside and couldn't go back to sleep. I just stayed up, since the alarm would be waking me up at 6 and had my morning coffee (black with just a little creamer) followed by my latte shake. I was hungry about an hour after my shake, so I made myself some eggwhites with salsa mixed in. It was yummy but couldn't even eat a quarter of it.

I managed to hit the gym with another VIP promoter this morning for about an hour. We had a good workout and it was nice to have another visalus person to work out with, that understands the program and how it works. I would really love to utilize their pool, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi, spin classes, yoga classes, but I'm already a member of another gym signed up for another 6 months of personal training. So I think I'll just stay there!

By the time I got home, I was starving again so I had one of the Visalus Nutri-cookies and it definitely filled me up. More water, more peeing and off to the doctor to see about getting something for these damn migraines. I've been having them for the last week and I've suffered from these stupid things since I can remember. Anyway some topomax as a preventative and a lab sheet to see my blood looks since starting visalus. I'm curious to see  if my cholesterol has gone down or not. The best part of the visit was all the compliments I received from both the assistant and the doctor. I had not seen them in several months, so they were amazed at my results! I was also able to give the medical assistant a sample of the shake mix and she now wants to book a challenge party! Work the system friends and it will come together. Build relationships and watch them grow!

Seems my days during the school year are filled with errands, picking up the house, doing dishes and playing mom taxi.

After my appointment, I came home and had my favorite chocolate shake and later a snack of some tortilla chips with some home made black bean/corn salsa. Really yummy and healthy.....

I am finding myself getting frustrated today because I have lost enough weight that the bottom portion of my belly has shrunk but the top part of my tummy has not shrunk as much as i would like, enough to be able to see a "spare tire" around the top when I'm wearing certain shirts. I'm starting to think it's because I'm having some issues with the "plumbing". I'm not sure why, I have some idea that it might be TOO much flax seed causing some issues, but I'm not real sure. Hope to have some answers soon, so I think I will be discontinuing the flax seed until further notice.

 I'm so ready to push past this plateau and I'm hoping that by journaling every day, it will give me some insight as to what I need to improve on!

I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff out but I'm a little aggravated today and a bit tired.....tomorrow is a new day and hopefully the stuff I just took will get things moving again. :)

Ah yes, what's on the menu for dinner tonite?? Some crusted tilapia with some quinone (keen-wah), supposed to be similar to rice, but better for you! I'll let you know how it turns out!

The Quinona (keen-wah) was a horrible failure! Not sure what happened but it was not done, and tasted bad. LOL

After all this learning about my body I always forget to take into account my monthly cycle........which would explain why I have gotten irritable, bloated, moody and just angry the last few hours LOL......I'm laying in bed now, relaxing and plan on taking a migraine pill in a little bit and calling it a day! Thank you mother nature for creating this beast that visits us ladies on a monthly basis....BLAH!

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