Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 10.........nope......still fog..........

Damnit...............AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH................when is this feeling going to go away and my positive energy going to come back? And don't try to tell me when I change my attitude. :p
My brain wants to be positive but my body is on protest. Not only am I still recovering from this god-awful stomach bug but now I'm not hungry and barely getting my 2 shakes in. boo.

I had my coffee shake in this morning and drank 3/4 of it, dumped the rest of it. Did NOT have a morning snack but I was feeling hungry when we had to run to walmart, so I splurged and ate a chicken sandwich with pickles and mayo and a medium waffle fries from Chick-Fil-A and an ice water. :) So there. I didn't feel awful when I ate it, but I only ate about half of it. I just finished my 2nd shake of the day and again I finished all but a few sips of it and dumped it. I was just too full. My stomach is burning and growling but I am not hungry. I'm so aggravated at this slump I'm in. I know that it's a myriad of things going on and I'm hoping that i come out of them quickly because i don't like feeling like this.

Again I did NOT make it to the gym, I just don't FEEL good again. Just getting up out of bed wears me out and makes me dizzy. I guess being sick for 2 days will do that to you. Tomorrow it's shit or get off the pot because i have training LOL.....hopefully I don't pass out and hurt too bad.

Maybe back to bed and start fresh tomorrow. Seems like that's been the motto for the week.....

Sorry for the bummer week of blogging. Here's hoping that this week will be better!

1 comment:

  1. Its ok!!! Sickness and slumps happen. You are determined and you are rocking your challenges already. Give it a few days and you will be back in the saddle.
