Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 20......

I can't believe it's day 20......I have only measured myself on Day 1, but my measurements differ from my gym measurements so I think I'm going to go by those. My weight difference from day 1 to day 20 has been 6 pounds lighter, so I'll take that. Hit the gym today and did an entire workout from my workout guide on my own! :) That is the first time that I've ever completed one without my trainer breathing down my neck. It felt good to be able to say I did it. I'm sore and stiff now, but glad I did it.

I have to do something to continue to lose....Had both my shakes already today and going to get ready to fix a healthy dinner....some grilled chicken breast and some baked veggies with some salad......I'm kind of excited for dinner...I've been kind of in a so so mood, I think because Damon has been in a mood lately and we seem to feed off of each other. He's having bad pain days and not feeling well so it tends to bring me down too. Trying to keep the positive flow, but sometimes the RSD bleeds into everything. Oh well, what can you do.....

Still keeping at it, still eating my snacks, doing my shakes and keeping my team motivated and I'm finding that is the hardest task! I want everyone to succeed and feel as awesome as I do, but I know they are getting frustrated because they may not be seeing the results they want, but hopefully they will keep at it and get there....

another short and sweet, just not in the mood to blog the last week or so..........been away from the computer for a bit.....

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