Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 25......Motivation Station!!!

Alright!!! The train has pulled into motivation station!!! WOOT WOOT!! ALL ABOARD!!! LOL

I am motivated to not only change my life and my family's lives but anyone reading this or reading my facebook. I feel it is my job and my duty to share this amazing journey with the people in my life. This is why I write this, because we owe it to ourselves and to our spouses and our children to be the best that we can be. I was looking back at some headshots from 2010 and I am horrified that I ever looked like I did. What in the hell was I thinking? No wonder I was so miserable? For those who haven't seen it....................

WOW!!! What a change, what a huge difference.....what a fatass I was.....No wonder I felt like crap....my body reflected what I was putting into it. YUCK. No more, never again!

So today was day 2 of making it to the gym everyday! Training yesterday and today cardio and some machines. I am determined to make it to the gym EVERYDAY if it kills me. I really have no excuse for NOT going. I don't work outside the home, my kids are in school all day and the gym is literally five minutes from my house, so why do i not go daily? Because I am still trying to get rid of my LAZY mentality......no other reason because I am still training my brain to get motivated. I can buy all the workout clothes and new tennis shoes I want but that is not going to get my butt in gear any faster. The only person that is going to change that is ME. I can't sit around and complain about my belly fat unless I am the one to change it, which means getting my butt in the gym EVERYDAY and doing my 2 shakes a day and making healthier choices when it comes to my meals and snacking.

I have also increased my protein intake daily and started eating more. I still do my 2 shakes a day but I have started trying to eat something every 2 hours. Whether it be a yogurt, or string cheese, almonds, toast, something every 2 hours to keep my metabolism going. It's so important now that I'm working out more and burning calories. So I shall see if I see more results.

Oh yeah, I have NOT stepped on the scale for 3 days now! This is a huge thing for me because I have been weighing DAILY and all I found was frustration. The magic is not in the number on the scale, it's in the inches lost, it's in the lean muscle that is being built, it's in the energy I have, it's in the way I feel and it's in the glow that I put to others.....

Today I feel good, not tired, and I'm still working on the eating thing. I guess after 30 years of eating bad and not knowing how to eat correctly, it takes time to re-learn new habits, so I'll keep at it and hopefully I can teach others healthy eating and healthy habits!!!

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