Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 7 morphed into Day 8?!?!?!

YIKES! I have lost time! Apparently I was fighting the nasty little stomach bug that my kids brought home from school. WOW!! Was I sick as a dog! I don't think I moved out of bed all day yesterday unless it was to be on the toilet throwing up into the trashcan! What a miserable miserable hellish day. A hot bath wouldn't even make me feel better. Needless to say I ate 2.5 crackers and some sips of water and sprite all day yesterday in between throwing up breaks.  What was amazing is that I am no longer bloated. LOL. I do not recommend the stomach bug diet. I started the day before at 177lbs.....yesterday after the 6th round of toilet/trashcan expelling I was down to 164.1 lbs!!! LOL. If I would have felt better I probably would have jumped up and down for joy but it was all I could do to walk back to bed. Pretty much popped anti nausea pills and sleep aids all day yesterday so I could sleep through that hell. Thank goodness it's passing...........

On the good note, I was able to get up and eat a little bit of soup today, had both of my shakes today (hard as hell to get them down) and drank a 7-up and ate some crackers. I'm starting to feel better but I feel as weak as a kitten. I'm really tired too. Already dreading my gym workout next week knowing this has wiped out any and all energy reserves I had built up. :( My weight has gone up gradually throughout the day, which is a good thing. Means I'm retaining something again and it's not all going out instead of staying in. Hopefully I can get back on track tomorrow and maybe both shakes I did today will help keep my body from being totally wrecked from being sick.....

So what worked in getting past that plateau???????? Obviously puking and having the shits works well, but i don't recommend this method. Back to normal healthy eating and working out. But I would rather do it that way than any other way as I do NOT like feeling like crap. I just want to feel back to normal again......sigh............

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