Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 9....the fog is slowly lifting....

Have I mentioned that I HATE, DESPISE, LOATHE being sick? Not just the actual being sick part but the 2 days afterward when even getting up to take a shower takes you back to days post childbirth when the slightest wind takes the breath out of you. :) Ah, the fond memories....

I managed to get dressed today.....go me! I got my breakfast shake in, but it was torture. Must be my tastebuds coming back to life or something. While we were out running some errands (stupid thing to do), we grabbed some lunch at Crisper's. I managed to get about 3 oz of chicken noodle soup down and about half of a half of a veggie sandwich. My appetite is still not up to par but I'm hungry, just nothing absolutely sounds good. Made it through Target, Jo-Ann's and another place without passing out or throwing up. Managed to finish up the red entryway and call it a day.........

Had another shake, this time tried my banana cream pudding shake....the only thing different was I added about half a container of the activia banana nut bread pudding. BAD IDEA.....especially when you already have an upset stomach. DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS COMBINATION! It tasted like throw up and I could not even finish the shake. :( So it's not been the best day and have NOT been to the gym since Tuesday. I blame this vicious little stomach bug for that. I felt off my game Wed and Thursday and sick Friday and Saturday, so recovery today and hopefully back to normal tomorrow!

I want this foul mood to go away!!!! NOW!!!!

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