Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 35.......yah yah, so I've been slacking....

Ok I have been majorly slacking on the blog........seems life catches up with me and I don't feel like blogging about every darn thing I ate that day or how much the scale hates me. LOL

So about a month into this challenge and it's been one hell of a, downs, ins, outs, and I'm only 1/3 of the way through it! Just when I think I have things figured out, this just goes to show you the process of losing weight and getting healthy is a constant learning curve. We must constantly learn about our bodies and what works and what doesn't. I think I'm just being stubborn especially with the exercise. Let's face it. I'm still fighting the lazy bug. I know what it takes to get me to where I need to be, but I just don't want to do it! HA! Are there 12 steps for losing weight? There should be............seriously............

So I think I've been doing ok, I have my good days and my so so days and then my ok days, but haven't had any horrible days since my last posting. I have noticed that my mood has been sour in the last week or so. I seem more annoyed as of lately and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I got out of the eating every 2 hours thing that I was doing last week, or that my body is changing and everything is playing catch up. My training is getting harder, I can feel the changes in various parts of my body, but my impatience is getting to me.

Ahhhh, the ramblings of the fat girl..............I guess I will always think like the fat girl.......maybe I'm just tired...........

Still doing my 2 shakes a day, that is one thing I have NOT wavered on and even though the scale is slow as hell going down it's still going down. The fluctuation could be blamed on numerous things such as bloat, PMS, not eating enough, working out every day, not enough water, heavier weights while working out, building lean muscle........but on the good note, I can button a size 11/12 pants but too much muffin top hanging I'll wait awhile longer before I go buy those pants LOL

Hope this rambling hasn't bored anyone who's reading this but I can't put together a single brain is toast......speaking of toast........I'm hungry................

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